Local Business More Driver Solutions Launch #ShareTheBear Charity Campaign

Northampton-based logistics recruitment agency More Driver Solutions (MDS) has enlisted hundreds of cuddly bears to launch a charity campaign in a bid to help raise thousands of pounds for international development organisation Transaid.

The #ShareTheBear charity drive, which has recently launched on social media, features furry bears wearing MDS branded uniforms. Big-hearted MDS are sharing 500 branded bears with its clients, who have been invited to give their bear a name and share pictures on social media.

For each photo shared via LinkedIn with the #ShareTheBear hashtag, MDS has pledged to make a £5 donation to the company’s chosen charity, Transaid. The #ShareTheBear campaign will help raise vital funds and awareness about the charity, which aims to transform lives through safe, available, and sustainable transport.

MDS Director Emily Cooper said:

“We’re so happy to be supporting the work of Transaid, an excellent charity whose work intersects with ours perfectly.”

Fellow MDS Director Nicola Tilley added:

“After hearing about Transaid and all their hard work at the Motor Transport Awards, we wanted to do something fun to support the charity and raise awareness of its great work.”

Transaid is a worldwide charity that work with international partners and governments to solve transport challenges in sub-Saharan Africa, such as improving road safety and strengthening health supply chains.

Florence Bearman, Acting Co-Chief Executive at Transaid, welcomed the campaign:

“This campaign both raises awareness of the important work Transaid does to transform lives through its road safety and access to healthcare programmes, and helps raise money to enable us to carry out such work. We would like to say a huge thank you to the team at MDS and the company’s clients for being part of #ShareTheBear.”

Find out more about Transaid via their website here.